Monday, September 13, 2010

Very grateful this Monday morning for....

wonderful supportive friends. They love me even when someone has knocked my legs out from under me and I have been thrown backwards into the black abyss of low self-esteem.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Today is a better day......

Today has been a better day and for that I am grateful.  I was able to visit with my parents.  I enjoyed my belly dancing class tonight then came home and watched the Saints win their season opener. Grateful for all of that.  Those are some of the many things that I am grateful for today. And at this very moment, I am grateful for the bed I am about to go get into so I can get some sleep :-)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Everyday is a new opportunity

I have been dealing with a lot of depression lately which has been making it very hard to breath much less function.  I am hoping that by looking at the positives in my life that I will stop the negative monologue in my head.  I HATE FEELING LIKE THIS! I WANT TO FEEL HAPPY AND CHEERFUL! 

I am grateful for
  • the grace of God